Detect AI-Generated Text in Seconds for Free!

Have doubts if your content is 100% human-written? Enter your text and find out whether it was developed by real people or created by AI.

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What Is AI Detector?

ChatGPT and similar tools are becoming increasingly popular. While they can be handy for specific purposes, it's still vital to understand that AI-created text may result in various penalties.

We have created our ChatGPT finder based on the same language patterns that ChatGPT and other similar AI-writers use, and we have trained our tool to distinguish between patterns of human-written and AI-generated text. You will receive a real-time report on how much of the content is fake.

Using, you can be sure your texts are completely authentic and contain zero AI-written text.

Best Free AI Text Checker

Fast will provide you with detailed results within only a few seconds.


No need to pay or register—just paste the text, and you’ll get the result.


We use the same technology as ChatGPT to provide the most precise results.


Our ChatGPT detector can be used for various content types: essays, articles, and more.


You will get a detailed report with highlighted content that was likely written by AI.


We care about your privacy and do not store any of your texts or personal information.

Who Is AI Detector for?

It is vital to know what content has been written by AI or humans, whether you’re looking at a blog post, browsing the Internet, or reading a college essay. Our free ChatGPT detector can help you to check any type of text.

Marketing and SEO-content

The vast majority of search engines penalize content if they recognize it as AI-generated. Use our AI text checker to verify that you’re posting only human-written content and to detect if your writers used any AI tools in the process.

Academic writing

Find out if your essays or theses include any signs of AI content tools usage. Copy and paste any assignment into the box above and find out within a few seconds whether it is AI-generated or written by a real human.

Business writing

Avoid misleading or inaccurate information in your emails, reports, or other texts, which may occur due to the use of ChatGPT or similar tools. Our AI detector will help you to protect your brand reputation and deliver clear messages to your customers.

How AI Content Checker Works?

Our free AI content detector allows you to assess any text within a few clicks and get the results in seconds.


Enter or paste the text you need to check.


Add the topic or short description (optional).


Get detailed results for free.

What Technologies Can AI Checker Detect?

With the rise in popularity of various AI text generation platforms, it is vital to know whether content was written by humans or created by an AI platform. We have incorporated as many technologies as possible into our tool to detect potential issues in any given piece of content.

ChatGPT AI Detector

The first AI chatbot, launched in November 2022, quickly gained users’ attention for its detailed responses. However, it often provides inaccurate facts and false answers.

Our ChatGPT essay checker can easily detect the use of this technology so that you can be sure what was artificially created with the help of this algorithm.

GPT-3 and GPT-4 Detector

Our free service is capable of detecting GPT-4, as well as the earlier version of ChatGPT responses. We have implemented a state-of-art algorithm, which incorporates keyword extraction and sentiment analysis. This helps us to determine texts made with pre-trained language models.

The model uses contextual and structural clues to recognize machine-generated texts.

Other AI-Writing Tools

There are many online writing tools that use GPT-3 or similar natural language processing models. We have created our AI Detector with the capability to recognize topic modeling and find flag words and language patterns that are typical for artificial intelligence and uncommon for humans. That’s why it can easily verify whether something was written by AI or real people and show it to you in a detailed report.

Check Our Other Tools for Your Writing!



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Thesis Statement Finder

Thesis Statement Finder

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Ready to Check Your Content?

Try our AI detection tool out for free!

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